Hi there!

I’m Max; I learn things, build profitable companies, and explore the world.

I’ve been building, growing, and sometimes selling D2C brands, Shopify apps, and iOS apps for the past ten years.

Things I’m passionately curious about:

  • Health & Wellness – constantly experimenting with everything that can help optimize my physical and mental health for longevity and healthspansleep, diet, exercise, fasting, hot & cold exposure, supplements, gadgets, etc.
  • Exploring the worldI’ve lived in 30+ countries since 2014;
  • Learning – I believe it’s impossible to grow and live a better life without continuous learning. I’m obsessively experimenting with rapid learning techniques and aiming to learn a new skill every few months;
  • AI/ML – building Feanor Labs and Auri.AI, researching LLMs;
  • Space – currently researching celestial mining and on-orbit manufacturing;
  • Longevity Biotechhere’s a directory of all the best longevity biotech resources I have found so far;
  • Productivity – everything from GTD, journals, and strict schedules to apps and note-taking systems;
  • Photography – check out my gallery;
  • Philosophy – my current personal philosophy is a mix of Stoicism, Daoism, and Confucianism;
  • Physics – lately have been trying to understand the quantum field theory;
  • E-commerce & Marketing – something I’ve been doing since 2013 (with millions of dollars in profitable ad spend and a few successful e-commerce brands under the belt);
  • Tech & Startups – self-explanatory given all other interests on the list;
  • Many other things.

My favorite places:

  • New York City (West Village)
  • Cape Town (Noordhoek)
  • Sintra
  • Buenos Aires (Recoleta)
  • San Francisco (Golden Gate Park)
  • Lima (Miraflores)
  • 5th arrondissement of Paris
  • Florence
  • Rome (Trastevere)

People I admire/look up to for one reason or another:

  • Richard Feynman
  • Marcus Aurelius
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Vannevar Bush
  • Thomas Edison
  • Ben Franklin
  • Henry Ford
  • Howard Hughes
  • Walt Disney
  • Elon Musk
  • Paul Graham
  • Naval Ravikant
  • Phil Knight
  • Tim Ferriss
  • Derek Sivers
  • Peter Thiel
  • Sam Altman
  • Tyler Cowen
  • David Goggins
  • Seth Godin

You can also find all my favorite books, podcasts, newsletters, videos, and apps here

If, for some reason, you’re still reading this, say hi on Twitter 

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It’s an occasional email with everything interesting I’ve discovered, watched, or read, plus new articles and notes from books and podcasts


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